Prof Simon Buczacki
Richard Blackwell Pharsalia Professor of Colorectal SurgeryProf Simon Buczacki
Richard Blackwell Pharsalia Professor of Colorectal Surgery
Professor Donald Alfred Payne Bundy
Professor Donald Alfred Payne Bundy

Dr Victor Burlakov
Dr Victor Burlakov
Dr Rebecca-Ann Burton
SRF in Pharmacology - Associate Professor titleDr Rebecca-Ann Burton
SRF in Pharmacology - Associate Professor title
Dr Barry Butler
Dr Barry Butler
Lily is responsible for grants, scholarships and other student support and administration.
Bart implements new technologies and providing IT support for staff, students, visitors, and guests.
Dr Alex Cameron
Carolyn and Franco Gianturco JRFDr Alex Cameron
Carolyn and Franco Gianturco JRFProf Richard Caplan
Professor of International RelationsProf Richard Caplan
Professor of International RelationsDr Emily Carroll
Bryan Warren JRFDr Emily Carroll
Bryan Warren JRF
Sir Bryan Cartledge
Former Principal of LinacreSir Bryan Cartledge
Former Principal of LinacreProfessor Martin Castell
Professor of MaterialsProfessor Martin Castell
Professor of MaterialsProf Shadreck Chirikure
Edward Hall Professor in Archaeological ScienceProf Shadreck Chirikure
Edward Hall Professor in Archaeological Science
Dr Kudakwashe Chitofiri
Linacre Research FellowDr Kudakwashe Chitofiri
Linacre Research Fellow