Planned Giving

Leaving a legacy, bequest or planned gift to Linacre is straightforward and something that just about anyone can do from anywhere in the world. We are committed to providing opportunities for talented students from across the globe, regardless of their background or financial circumstances, so leaving a gift to College in your Will is an excellent way to make a difference to the next generation of students.

A gift in your Will of any size or type will have a lasting impact here at Linacre. Legators are encouraged to leave an unrestricted bequest – one that allows the Trustees of the College to direct the gift where it can be of the greatest use at that time – but it is also possible to support a specific fund. We always advise speaking to a legal adviser before drafting a new Will, updating an existing one, or making other plans for your estate, so that your Will meets your needs, supports your family and loved ones, and takes advantage of any tax benefits. Please let us know of your intentions so that we are able to follow your wishes and thank you personally.

Our Legacy and Planned Giving Manager Verity Armstrong would be delighted to speak with you if you are interested in leaving a gift in your Will, or would simply like more information.

Your Linacre Legacy

Your Linacre Legacy brochure

We are pleased to share our new legacy brochure, designed to answer any questions about leaving a gift in your Will to Linacre.

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Communicating your intentions

If you have made provision for Linacre in your Will, or aim to do so, it would be very helpful if you could let us know your intentions.

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Different types of legacy

We welcome all types of legacy gifts. Some benefactors choose to give a percentage of their estate. Others choose to give a specific amount, or specify an item to be given to the College. This document explores different types of legacy gifts.of

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Photo of Linacre College

Tax benefits

Linacre is a UK registered charity and this means that there could be tax benefits to leaving a legacy to the College.

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Bamborough Circle Crest

The Bamborough Circle

We are pleased to welcome those who have stated their intention to leave a gift to Linacre in their Will into the Bamborough Circle in recognition of their support.

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