Congratulations to the 2016 Domus Prize Finalists who presented their research during this year’s Domus Prize event on Saturday, July 2nd. The results are:

Busuttil Domus Prize (in Business, Criminology, Government, International Relations, Law or Politics)

WinnerEvan Easton-Calabria, On Leading and Saving: Refugee-run micro-finance in Kampala

Runner-up:  Alex MacFarlane, From Shocking Lobsters to the Armenian Nation: Translating the Kafas of the Alexander Romance

Fung Family Domus Prizes (two, in any subject area)

WinnersMegan Bushnell, ‘Writtin in the Langage of the Scottish Natioun’:  The Creation of Scottish Language and Identity in Gavin Douglas’ Eneados

and Daniel Alanine, Designing a vaccine for malaria

Runners-up: C.Y. Looi, Stimulating the brain with electricity and games

and Favour Nyikosa, Artificial intelligence for adaptive and optimal decision-making

Thanks also to Dr Asma Mustafa, Linacre Senior Tutor, who organised and moderated the competition, and to the generous donors who have funded the prizes.

(Photo by: Abdossalam Madkhali)