Congratulations to Dr Catherine Walter, Vice Principal at Linacre College, who is this year’s winner of the OUSU Oustanding Tutor in Social Sciences award. Catherine consistently ensures inclusivity, an important Linacre value, throughout her work in College. Catherine’s response to her award is below: 

I was pleased and surprised to receive the Outstanding Tutor Award – it was already a great honour to be shortlisted. Both this award and the OUSU Outstanding Senior Member Award that I received earlier in the year are especially precious to me, because they are both about removing barriers to participation. The teaching award relates to a distance MSc course I teach that offers the Oxford postgraduate educational experience to students who are not geographically located at the University. The women’s weightlifting club at Linacre offers to University women of all ages and abilities the chance to gain strength and confidence in a context where women often feel intimidated. The fact that OUSU has recognised these as worthwhile endeavours means an immense amount to me.Thank you!

A full list of this year’s winners can be found here.

Photograph by Phillip Babcock, supplied by OUSU.