Both Harris Manchester and Linacre are seeking to consolidate and formalise their HR processes, and are seeking an experienced HR Officer to assist with this project.

The post-holder will assist with reviewing the monthly and weekly payroll process, along with other aspects of contract management. They will also review and improve other HR processes including on-boarding, induction, right-to-work checking, absence management. Finally they will help the colleges to introduce additional HR elements such as formal training records, an appraisal process, gender pay gap reporting, more developed payroll reporting and budgeting, and better support for periodic management accounting.

To apply please submit a CV (maximum 3 sides of A4) and a covering letter which details how your skills, experience and qualifications meet the criteria for the post. Please also provide the details of two referees.

The above should be submitted by email to by 12 noon on the application deadline of Friday 19th January. Interviews are expected to take place on Monday 29th or Tuesday 30th January 2024.

Further particulars can be found here.